Sunday, July 6, 2014

Leading A Healthy Life

It seems like lately that everyone is trying be healthy to make a change in there lives. Seeing that is great and a really big step. I know that people around the world take steps to do this. Its all about giving what your body needs to maintain what it needs to be healthy and in general for you to be healthy. If you have a nice steady diet then that would really help out a lot. Eating the right foods would help such as salads, right source of protein, and fruit. The right balanced nutrition will help you your goal to loose weight or maintain a certain that you would like to be. There are help calculators to keep track to where you want to be. You can see what your BMI (body mass index), lean protein estimator, calories, and daily protein needs.

Body Mass Index (BMI) Herbalife can help you look at your body weight to let you know if your underweight or overweight. It lets you know if you are about to risk obesity. All you have to do is enter your weight and height and it will give you a number on scale 20-40. My number was 25.9, Im pretty much healthy for size. You can check this out to see what you are and this is also a the first step to be healthy. 

Lean Protein Estimator (LPE) Lets you know what body mass in a person. This calculator lets you know how many calories you should burn in a 24 hour period.

Calories If you're one to count your calories to maintain your healthy life you can get more information that Herbalife provides for you. It has info for you to loose weight or maintain weight.

Daily Protein Needs All that this talks about is how much protein you should consume daily. It gives you a chart  that you goes by your weight gives you the number of protein in grams. Its another good way to keep track in what you need.

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