Monday, June 30, 2014


Another product that I use is from Herbalife 24 series. Its the Recovery product that helps build your endurance back up and your muscle recovery. If you feel that your muscles are aching and you are sore all over this would be a good thing to take to replenish that. It works greats for me and should do the same for.

Herbalife24 Rebuild Endurance

Need a Boost?

Have you ever felt so tired that you didn't want to do anything? As soon as you wake up you know you have a busy day a head of you and you didn't think you could get through it? All you really need is a boost of energy to help. May I suggest this product that I have used from time to time when I'm having days where I don't want to do anything. Try Herbalife's NRG (Nautre's Raw Guarana Tea. This tea gives just the right amount of energy to get you through the day. Taking this tea in the morning knowing I have class in the morning and football practice in the afternoon, then homework after all that. This product helps you stay alert and that right pick me up. In this tea you will get a boost, helps reduce fatigue, and the tea has 0 calories.

N-R-G Nature's Raw Guarana Tea

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Fit Life

Everyone has stress that builds up inside of them every once in awhile. People have there own way to relief stress as well. If you are an active person then you are leading your way to a healthy life. Being active create strong bones and will help change your lifestyle. If you want to learn more about about being active and living a healthy lifestyle you can check out the Herbalife website.  They have steps and tips to get you going on your way.

The Healthy Step

For some people trying to be healthy is always a hard thing to do. You could start picking up a new habit then next thing you know it you're back at the old habits. All it takes is to have more responsibility to make sure that doesn't happen again. If you a person that is taking steps to lead a healthy life or you are just a beginner Herbalife has some great vitamins and minerals to help give what your body needs, most importantly what you need. It is always good to have a dietary supplement in your diet.

Monday, June 16, 2014

What is Herbalife?

Herbalife is a global nutrition company that gives the people the confidence to pursue a active and healthy life.

This company has personal care products to that person what they need to get started. Herbalife also gives great nutrition to children in need as well.

They also sponsor world class athletes and soccer teams around the world.

Herbalife does not only give you the tools to pursue a healthy life, they also give out job opportunities to help sell the products in your community.

Herbalife Factoids

Herbalife started in 1980 with the founder name Mark Hughes. His idea was to bring great nutrition and not to have so much competition so that people can have business opportunities for those around the world.

In 1980 Mark Hughes started selling the products in the back of his car. He also started to rewrite network marketing history.

1981- Launched the skin and hair care products.

Pretty much through out the 80s all of Herbalife products has took off throughout the early 80's with other countries getting into Herbalife buying the products and selling them as well. The following countries are United States, Spain, Mexico, New Zealand, Australia, Argentina, and Canada.  

Herbalife History

There is more history that Herbalife has continued to make in the past 30 plus years since the company has started off in the 1980s. I feel like this company really took off in the 2000s simply because they were able to get more people and countries involved with Herbalife. At the beginning of the 2000 decade Herbalife opened with Panama, Cyprus, and Ireland. Opening in those countries also marked the companies 20th anniversary and also launched a new product called Triple Berry Complex. In 2005 Herbalife gave back to those in need that were hit by hurricane Katrina, there charity was able to raise over 1 million dollars. They are also the official nutrition sponsor of the Major League Soccer team the L.A. Galaxy. Finally in 2009 Herbalife opens in Vietnam and Paraguay. During this time they also were able to open another facility in Southern California so that way they can have better control of the global product development.

The importance of a spokesperson

Every company needs a good spokesperson ... Check out one of the spokesmen for Herbalife below.

Herbalife does a good job to get there image out so it can be seen and heard. The sport that they mostly sponsor is soccer. One of the of the most famous teams that they sponsor nutritionally is the Major League Soccer team Los Angeles  Galaxy.  However the one person that Herbalife has to represent them  and the company is Christiano Ronaldo who plays for Real Madrid during EuroSport season, but during this year's 2014 Fifa World Cup, he's representing his home team of Portugal. To get Ronaldo was a great opportunity because he plays soccer which translates to soccer players run  a lot they need to be hydrated all while having good nutrition. This helps spread the word out when trying to live an active and healthy lifestyle.

For more information about Herbalife, visit their website.